On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 07:28 +0100, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
Am Montag, 29. Oktober 2007 schrieb K. Piche:
I did a test install of 2007.10-0.2 and it installed fine except for a few minor nits: why not -0.3?
Just the timing of the download. I burned the CD and then 0.3 came out. I'll try it in qemu.
* My hd came up as sda instead of the usual hda. Which module pata or ide is recommended or does it not matter? hmm seems you havent installed since .19 kernels ;) thats normal and hwdetect will add the correct module for you
Give or take the testing repo I'm always up to date! :) On my regular system: [22:50 kpiche@puffin ~]$ pacman -Q kernel26 kernel26 [22:50 kpiche@puffin ~]$ and HOOKS="base udev autodetect ide filesystems" gives me hda. The ISO uses pata hook which gives sda. Obviously my mkinitcpio.conf is old. I'm still curious as to what the recommended module is...
* Did you mean to say "lowmem image for <=64M" on the isolinux splash? no, recommended are 64 and more because i cannot tell ya if it works with less memory and without swap space and all packages selected to install, becaus of the well known oom_killer in pacman.
I just mean that on first read it sounded like: "if you have 64M or more use the low memory image". Maybe it's just me.
* The hwdetect install feature packed my MODULES=() line with snd_* modules which I thought was funny.
that is also since a long time to avoid sound issues and keep the order of sound cards, normal behviour.
Cool, then it looks good to me.
thanks for testing, greetings tpowa
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