Aaron Griffin schrieb:
Another suggestion was vixie-cron - personally I have been using fcron on LFS since 2001 or 2002 and later on Arch, and have been happy with it all those 8 or 9 years. Whatever we do by default, I will keep on using fcron.
It sounds like you're a little hesitant about this. What are our options here? fcron, bcron, vixie-cron?
I wasn't planning on sounding hesitant. I only know fcron and never used vixie or bcron. fcron is very small, fcrontabs are compatible with traditional crontabs, but have an optional extended syntax that supports many advanced features. Did I mention that it is still pretty small? The only thing that one might worry about is that people might say fcron is "unmaintained" - but then I haven't seen a single bug or missing feature in the current release, so maybe this apparent lack of maintenance is a result from a lack of need for maintenance.