On 6/25/07, Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> wrote:
We have a new mirror for use. Scott says he has plenty of bandwidth, so North American Archers can use it.
- J
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 18:02:39 -0600 From: Scott <scott@unixheads.com> To: Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> Subject: Re: Archlinux Mirror
The primary node is pulling from your server now. Either the mirror I pulled from was out of date, or something strange happened. It seems to be pulling a lot of packages all over again. So I would not consider my mirror fully up to date yet, perhaps in 6-12 hours. I am currently only getting 100k or so from your master server, so if it ends up getting everything again I suppose it could take a few days. It took 8-9 hours or so at 7 times the speed, so if it does it all over again it could be about 70 hours :-)
Once the primary node is done, I will sync my backup node up with it before hitting yours with the backup node.
But the URLS are:
http://mirrors.unixheads.org/archlinux ftp://mirrors.unixheads.org/archlinux rsync://mirrors.unixheads.org/archlinux
Added to pacman mirrorlist. -Dan