On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 19:55 +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
Allan McRae wrote:
Allan McRae wrote:
Kevin: have you had a look at libavg?
I saw in an earlier email Kevin pointed out that the latest libavg needed graphicsmagick which is in [community] at the moment. I will add it to [extra] and stick the rebuilt libavg in [testing] (provided that no-one objects by the time I rebuild it....)
Or, looking into this further, nothing in [extra] or [community] depends on libavg so we could just dump it to [unsupported].
I like this idea unless libavg is in extra for some good reason. Also I tested wesnoth and it worked fine. I think we're ready to move boost myself. Where's that moving script again? Thanks for looking at this. Just recovered from a drive "almost-failure". Got the heads up from smartmon, did a backup and moved to a new drive. k
-- K. Piche <kpiche@rogers.com>