On 12/26/2013 07:51 PM, Connor Behan wrote:
TUs were asked over a year ago <https://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2012-August/023483.html> if any of them wanted to maintain xulrunner. I was not particularly interested then, but now that the package in [extra] is three versions out of date, I think we can do better.
If it's okay to drop the chmsee package to the AUR, I will be able to make sure xulrunner stays up to date in [community]. I will test every version but will primarily use the ones that coinside with instantbird releases. Thanks :).
Apparently you forgot to drop chmsee… Well, next time try to do the homework before you suggest dropping a package. Chmsee builds and works flawlessly after one small sed. Just pushed it to [community] and closed associated bug report. -- Bartłomiej Piotrowski http://bpiotrowski.pl/