On Wed, 2017-09-13 at 07:35 +0200, andyrtr@archlinux.org wrote:
I've cleaned systemd-sysvcompat long time ago from all my systems. I didn't know it is still alive and is meant to pull in main systemd.
pacstrap, the arch-bootstrap tarball and the Arch installation media already have systemd pulled, so far, I didn't notice a change. Since filesystem use systemd-sysusers to initialize our users/groups, it should deps on systemd. It was suggested by Evangelos in FS#55492, but this create a circular deps, because filesystem <- systemd <- glibc <- filesystem. Maybe it's a better solution to make gblic drop filesystem dep and add a systemd dep to filesystem. However, put systemd in the base-devel make also sense like having glibc or filesystem.
Lately cups-filters failed to install when building in a clean chroot due to missing "lp" group. Having systemd-sysvcompat in base should have pulled in systemd and allow "lp" group creation. Maybe this is another trigger of the systemd bug. We should continue talking on the list.
I don't think lp is a systemd bug, but a mistake from my side. I forgot to add it or to ask for moving it like i did for mlocate (FS#53539) or rfkill (FS#53525). It looks like the lp group is tied to cups and not multiple packages; do you think it should be moved to cups package? About the systemd bug, Lennart just pushed a fix which should land in v235. In the mean time, I think to push a new version with root and nobody defined in files to not have sshd segfault on new installations.
Maybe we should stop splitting systemd and simply make it part of "base" group to make sure all Arch users have all its parts installed.
Groups are a shortcut to pull a collection of packages. They are not designed to guarantee a set of packages remain installed. Your removal of systemd- sysvcompat is one example. If we want to have a set of package installed on all our Arch, we should use a base package which pull these packages. Cheers,