Stalled Testing Packages - 20080925 ============================ Just to let you know that the following packages have been in Testing for too long, could they please be thoroughly tested, signed-off and pushed into the Repos as soon as possible. Can the out-of-date Testing packages please be re-submitted. Any problems should be reported to the list please. Thank-you. <Arch Linux> boost 1.36.0 (was 1.35) Still needs a patch? nasm 2.01-1 latest - 2.04 Updated Upstream URL: bluez 4.1-1 latest - 4.6 Thomas has limited time, some rebuilds will be necessary - Red Hat should have patches if needed - tor latest - Update Description?: TOR Client - anonymity online miro 1.2.7-2 (was 1.2.7-1) gnash-common 0.8.3-4 Need in PKGBUILD?: boost>=1.36.0 policykit 0.9-3 (was 0.9-2) Another app without a decent HomePage, is this one any better? smc 1.5-2 (was 1.5-1) Update Description?: Secret Maryo Chronicles - a 2-D sidescroller platform game python-vpython 3.2.9-4 Need in PKGBUILD?: boost>=1.36.0 "If you want to travel around the world and be invited to speak at a lot of different places, just write a Unix operating system." (By Linus Torvalds)