Roman Kyrylych schrieb:
I would like for the next Bug Day to happen on 14th of April. The reason for this is to reduce the amount of old reports and feature requests. We should clear outdated reports, fix/implement those that already have patches provided or are trivial to fix/implement, discuss the pros & cons of implementing some feature requests, look at reports assigned to inactive/resigned devs.
If you cannot take part in the Bug Day, then choose any day when you'll have free time to do this work and plase notify other devs so they would know to take a closer look at your reports too.
I am absent that whole weekend.
I would like to hear any proposals about possible improvements to the Bug Day effectiveness.
First, as you are our "bug guy", it is good that you organize this. To improve effectiveness it may be good to have a list of bugs that shold be looked at, ordered into categories like you suggested above. Maybe you should provide a wiki page "Bug Day" where users can add bugs to the respective categories. Then there should be a rough timeline on what will happen when. Maybe it will also be good that you moderate the #archlinux-bugs channel and kick people that do not discuss bugday-related stuff to keep the discussion on topic. IF we do the latter, there should be an announcement about it with clear rules, so people won't be pissed when they are kicked or muted.