Le 24/08/2018 à 18:38, Gaetan Bisson via arch-dev-public a écrit :
scribus The develop branch (1.5.x), available as scribus-devel in the AUR (and maintained by myself), is Qt5. It has been in development for the past 3 years already, and still no ETA AFAIK… I’ve been using it instead of scribus from repo for the past 2 years with no issue, but my use case is limited w.r.t. all the possibilities this software offers. Last time I asked about even packaging the -devel version in [community], fellow TUs were not fond of the idea. So about replacing the repo version with it… Great idea. I have no objection and can get to it as soon as I'm back from holidays. Or if you're happy to maintain scribus in [community] yourself please do push a suitably-tested development snapshot and I'll
[2018-08-24 11:51:30 +0200] Bruno Pagani via arch-dev-public: transfer ownership of the package to you.
I have a ready PKGBUILD (https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD?h=scribus-devel) that I can push (after changing the pkgname) if scribus is moved to [community]. And we can co-maintain it there, co-maintaining is the new sexy. ;) I can build into [community-testing] first so that people can check they don’t have issue with it (I don’t, but once again I only work on a small project, so I did not test everything). Regards, Bruno