Hi guys just to make that clear, I'm planning on bringing in the alpha version from april, which basically is gqview-devel with a view patches that people contributed and were both tested for a long time and reviewed. Actual geegie development stred from there and that is what's in svn atm. So I don't plan on bringing in svn stuff, only released tarballs. -T On Fri, 18 Jul 2008, Firmicus wrote:
Eric Belanger wrote:
On Fri, 18 Jul 2008, Tobias Kieslich wrote: Another plan would be to add geeqie and to update gqview to its devel version. The devel version of gqview is very stable.
I never tried gqview-devel because gqview just worked for me. But I trust you on that.
Just out of curiosity, are you aware of any specific operations in geeqie that trigger the crash? because I have not experienced a single one yet. Also I'm on 32bit.
These problems might be caused by the svn revision that is used for the package. Tobias built his package several months ago and François built his recently. Maybe there have been new changes in the code that makes is unstable.
This is very much possible that some recent changes were causing this. I built the svn version a few days ago for x86_64. The crashes occurred mostly when performing rotate operations (with ] [ and shift-R). But I did not investigate further since this happened during work hours ;-)