Hi, I would like to add three new packages into the [extra]-repository. They are more or less necessary because they are new (opt-)dependencies for wicd. wicd has an additional new user interface, it's curses-based and a great alternative to the pyGTK interface for non-X11 usage. But to use it you will need "python-urwid", it's in [comunity]. That's the first package I want to add and the other two packages are necessary for the new ioctl experimental, optional backend (allegedly less CPU intensive). The packages are "python-wpactrl" and "python-iwscan". They aren't packaged or in AUR, I have created the necessary PKGBUILD and packages. Summary: - python-urwid for the curses interface - python-wpactrl and python-iwscan for the new ioctl experimental backend (http://projects.otaku42.de/wiki/PythonWpaCtrl and http://projects.otaku42.de/browser/python-iwscan) Corresponding bug entry: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/14992 Any objections? Cheers, Daniel