On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 11:40 +0200, Firmicus wrote:
So here it goes:
I have added the packages to svn and commited them in the trunk. So far so good. Now suppose I want to upload them to testing, so I'll run testingpkg for the upload and then /arch/db-testing on gerolde. OK. What I find unclear is when one needs to "tag" releases (with archrelease). Is this for special situations only?
testingpkg uploads the package, checks md5sum local and remote to make sure it worked, then svn merges trunk to ../repos/testing-$CARCH and then you're done to run /arch/db-testing on gerolde.
Also, concerning the svn $Id tag, should I add them to all my new PKGBUILDs in trunk?
They're not needed, but somehow these things need an extra svn property to get merge tracking. Without the property your PKGBUILDs will always read $Id: $
One more thing: source files for everything except the binary sources are bundled by myself and will be put on dev.archlinux.org/~francois/src/. Note that this can add up to several hundred MB! Please tell me if this is going to be a problem. (The reason for this is that the individual TL packages are continuously updated on http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008/archive/, so any PKGBUILD using these would be based on a constantly moving target. Bundling my own sources at each release is I think the most practical solution. The sources have a CONTENTS file which indicates the revision number of each TeXLive package it provides).
Please make a /home/ftp/other/texlive and put your sources in there. If there's loads of sources, make subdirectories inside there to organize it better.
Ah, and my packages have lzma-utils in the makedepends array, which is currently in community. Should I move it to extra?
Would be fine to move it to extra, though there's more packages that makedepend on community packages.