On Wednesday 04 May 2011 01:44:15 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
Hi DEVs/TUs, I'm again on the cleanup of orphans packages in the [extra] repository; this time with a small list[1].
The list is based on orphans packages needed by none.
I don't see very important packages there, but chromium, krusader, mc and proftpd which maybe should be kept in [extra]; though they will probably find their maintainers in [community].
As the last time (more than 7 months ago), please cross out the packages you want to keep in [extra]. Adoption is not required, but it would be nice.
If you are a TU you can ask to maintain a package writing its name to the "Candidate to [community]" list[2].
I invite all you maintainers to check the orphans packages on the Arch website, many are maintained packages where the maintainer simply forgot to adopt it.
[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:Repo_Cleanup [2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:Repo_Cleanup#Candidate_to _.5Bcommunity.5D Hi DEVs/TUs, after a week this is the status:
# These will be moved to [community] abcde aria2 dosbox gtk-theme-switch2 icecast mc nickle numlockx tango-icon-theme-extras vbetool vim-a vim-bufexplorer vim-colorsamplerpack vim-doxygentoolkit vim-guicolorscheme vim-minibufexpl vim-omnicppcomplete vim-project vim-taglist vim-vcscommand # These will be moved to AUR bladeenc bs cscope ettercap-gtk gnupod gptfdisk gqmpeg kmldonkey kmplayer krusader libbtcl monotone nbsmtp nppangband perl-text-csv python-gtkglext speedcrunch xchat-gnome If there are no objections I'll move all them tomorrow. -- Andrea