On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 21:56:28 +0100, Andreas Radke <a.radke@arcor.de> wrote:
New Xfce 4.8pre1 release is out for testing. It requires some important packaging changes. I'm running it on my two systems at home and it's in a usable state.
But as expected there are some issues with power management und panel plugins. Because I need user feedback I'd like to bring it early straight to testing. I don't like to miss our devtools and don't want to create a new Xfce4-unstable repo. I don't need it that often like the gnome packagers do.
Xfce packages in testing wouldn't harm anything else. The final release is expected for Jan. 16th 2011.
I'd prefer to only have candidates for core/extra in testing. Especially if it should stay there for months. Therefore please go with an unstable repo. Having these packages in testing makes it less attractive/usable for users and more important any rebuilds that cover xfce packages will be a pain. -- Pierre Schmitz, https://users.archlinux.de/~pierre