On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 8:09 AM, Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de> wrote:
Am Montag, 26. Mai 2008 16:42:17 schrieb Thayer Williams:
Let me know if that does the trick...
I got it. I think it wouldn't a bad idea to add kdmtheme as dependency. It's not straight-forward to edit those files by hand. :-)
I contemplated adding kdebase, but it seemed like overkill--I never thought of kdmtheme. I'll do that.
Btw: Are you working on splash and background images for kde, too? They still have the old logo. (splash is even named Arch 0.7.2)
It's on my todo list. I don't use KDE myself, but seeing how you're the packager could you send me an email (or jabber) with any suggestions or info on which files need updating. I spent some time looking through the PKGBUILDs for kdebase and whatnot but I didn't see any specific source links to artwork files. Are these in a single package or spread out? PS: Thank you Mr. Willard, it's been a long time since I used KDE =)