Arch Linux will again be present with a developer room and a booth on <a href="">FrOSCon 2009</a> on August 22nd and 23rd in St. Augustin, Germany. We hope to see many old and new Arch Linux community members there to discuss, have fun and of course drink beer. For everyone who won't join us, there's going to be pictures online so you can witness all the fun we had. This year, you will meet the following Archers there: <ul> <li>Roman Kyrylych (Romashka)</li> <li>Dieter Plaetinck (Dieter@be)</li> <li>Thomas Bächler (brain0)</li> <li>Pierre Schmitz (pierres)</li> <li>Daniel Isenmann (ise)</li> <li>Andreas Radke (andyrtr)</li> <li>Jens Adam (jra/byte)</li> <li>Gerhard Brauer (gerbra)</li> </ul> BTW, does our news thingie allow us to use HTML?