On Mon, Oct 01, 2012 at 12:11:36PM -0400, Stéphane Gaudreault wrote:
Le 2012-10-01 10:55, Gaetan Bisson a écrit :
[2012-09-27 21:57:39 +0100] Jonathan Steel:
archlinux-artwork ipcalc vim-buftabs dvdrtools gnuchess lsdvd cmatrix Moved to [community].
Many thanks.
aspell-* Some of these are maintained. Please give me a specific list of those orphans you are interested in maintaining (for instance, because you actually speak the language), and I will move them to [community].
I can orphan aspell-fr if you want to take care of it.
It is mainly aspell and aspell-en; I don't speak another language but it looks simple enough to update the others, so I don't mind picking up the remaining orphans and I'll update them at the same time. -- Jonathan Steel