2007/9/17, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com>:
On 9/17/07, Simo Leone <simo@archlinux.org> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 17, 2007 at 10:58:37AM -0700, eliott wrote:
There is a FS ticket for part of this thread: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/7006
I support changing the link on the downloads page to reference the wiki. This would, however, allow end users to modify the mirror page thus changing the mirror list in a way that may be seen as more 'official'.
We could perhaps lock the mirrors page, but that semi-defeats the purpose of the change control suggestion.
Any thoughts or feedback of a high caliber?
I'd rather have the static mirror page for the reasons you mentioned. It seems kind of... open... to have a wikified mirror page.
If someone wants to add a mirror, it's not that hard to mail one of us and ask to have it added/removed/whatever, which amounts to the same thing as a locked wiki page, except the non-wiki page is prettier 8)
Can we get http/ftp/rsync availability at least on the offical page? A nice table would do the trick:
/***************|***********|**************|*************\ mirror | http | ftp | rsync \ foo.bar.com | <a href="http://...">HTTP</a> | <a href="ftp://.."> ........
You get the point. It shouldn't be very hard to write a little script that tests the current list of mirrors we have for availability of these three services.
Well, this info is already provided on our wiki, so if someone will modify /download/ page manually then this can be entered as well. We cannot use pacman mirrorlist directly, because not all mirrors have isos on them (or if there will be a script for checking ftp/http/rsync - it should check for latest isos too). -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)