Thomas Bächler wrote:
I checked the patch into CVS. If it is okay, I can rebuild grub with this patch and check it into testing. Opinions?
I tested it now, and it looks ok. I was still be able to boot my current ext2 partition, inode size 128 with it. Then I built a ext3 partition, inode size 256, and grub-install still worked fine. Same for reboot. Note that I am using a small boot partition (39M) and /etc/mke2fs.conf has a "small" fs type section, where inode size is still set to 128. So I had to edit that config file to get 256, otherwise I would not have been affected by the problem. When I tried to run grub-install without the patch on that /boot partition, I got the following message : The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly. So well, even if the grub patch is not applied, and someone tries to run grub-install with 256 inode size, it's at least clear that something goes wrong (even if it doesn't say what is wrong). Otherwise, the problem only appears when using grub-install. I suppose that's not a command that people run every day. It's probably more frequently used when installing from an iso. But to sum up, I have nothing against this patch, since it at least seems to work fine on my laptop (686).