On Tue, 11 Nov 2008, Andreas Radke wrote:
Am Sun, 9 Nov 2008 22:47:56 -0500 (EST) schrieb Eric Bélanger <belanger@ASTRO.UMontreal.CA>:
bison 2.4-1 is in testing for both arches. Please signoff.
Changes: minor upstream update, Added info file support.
please first make sure it doesn't cause this compile issue: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=58782
I have this build issue as well. I'll need to fix that before pushing bison to core. I did tried to build bmpx that has bison as makedepends before adding it to testing. It looks like it didn't triggered this problem. I'll guess I'll use gcc for future tests.
can you generate a list with "finddeps" from devtools what packages makedepend/depend on it? I'm not having a full svn checkout here at the moment.
Here's a list. Probably much more packages use bison but don't list it as makedepends because it's part of base-devel: /var/abs/community/devel/chuck/PKGBUILD /var/abs/community/devel/iasl/PKGBUILD /var/abs/community/games/bsd-games/PKGBUILD /var/abs/community/lib/engrave-svn/PKGBUILD: /var/abs/community/multimedia/swftools/PKGBUILD /var/abs/community/office/lilypond/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/bmpx/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/lm_sensors/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/openoffice-base/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/openoffice-base-beta/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/openoffice-base-devel/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/vtun/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/wireshark/PKGBUILD /var/abs/extra/xorg-server/PKGBUILD -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.