Here goes the toolchain rebuild for glibc-2.13: glibc-2.13-1 - major upstream release - Fedora 14 uses a pre-release glibc from this branch so it should be a fairly safe update... linux-api-headers-2.6.37-1 - version bump gcc-4.5.2-5 - just a rebuild (I will probably bump to a newer snapshot in the coming weeks as lots of backports are moving onto that branch lately with progress towards gcc-4.6) binutils-2.21-3 - just a rebuild (not much of interest has landed on the 2.21 branch since the last build) valgrind-3.6.0-2 - patch and rebuild for glibc-2.13 - not particularly tested here so reports of success/failures would be good... Now for the fun part! Some x86_64 users (depending on their cpu) will notice sound issues with mp3s of certain bitrates in flash when using Adobe's pre-release x86_64 flash plugin. This is because somebody at Adobe does not know to not use memcpy with source and destination overlapping. I will not be disabling the optimisation that causes this issue because it does result in significant speed increases in memcpy/memmove and because the issue is in an unsupported, pre-release, binary blob. For work arounds see: Allan