Jan de Groot wrote:
Recently the ftp-release-list for ftp.gnome.org has switched over to sha256sums, which means that I can't copy and paste checksums from the mailinglist anymore. I see that makepkg supports sha256 without problems, but when I enter sha256sums=('somesum') into a PKGBUILD without modifying makepkg.conf to use them, makepkg warns about missing checksums. Shouldn't makepkg check for any supported checksum type by default? If sha256sums is defined, it should check them. If sha1sums is defined, it should check them too, etc. This makes more sense than depending only on the INTEGRITY_CHECK variable set in makepkg.conf.
With pacman-3.3, makepkg will check all provided checksums no matter which is defined in INTEGRITY_CHECK. That is only used for generating the arrays with "makepkg -g". Allan