On 2/17/19 4:23 AM, Allan McRae wrote:
On 17/2/19 10:37 am, Eli Schwartz via arch-dev-public wrote:
On 2/16/19 4:36 PM, Christian Hesse wrote:
Allan McRae via arch-dev-public <arch-dev-public@archlinux.org> on Sat, 2019/02/16 11:19:
Below is a list of python2 modules that are a dependency for any other package. I did not check makedepends and I did not check recursively to build this list.
The list contains optional dependencies. How to handle these?
I see no conceptual difference between optional dependencies and hard dependencies. Both are equally deserving of being in the repos for the sake of providing dependent functionality to other packages.
Yes - this was a quick pass list. There is probably a bunch that should not be removed and a lot more that could be removed...
Here's the list, filtered for optdeps $ comm -23 <(curl https://www.archlinux.org/todo/die-python2-die/json | jq -r ".packages | .[] | .pkgname" | sort -u) <(expac -l '\n' -S '%o' | grep ^python2 | sort -u) > py2-leaf-no-optdeps https://paste.xinu.at/3ICChC/ I haven't checked makedepends or checkdepends as there's no convenient way to get this information from the db. -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User