On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Andreas Radke <andyrtr@archlinux.org> wrote:
What about the FHS? Why should we do our own thing here again? The bad in end user Linux experience is the incompatibility brought by such non-standards.
I absolutely agree that "doing our own thing" would need a strong justification. This change would not do that though, it would be in line with what the other major distro's are doing, and it would not be FHS incompatible.
And has this idea anything to do with recent Fedora changes?
In the sense that I read all the Fedora proposals and discussions (as well as the discussions of the other distros) and came to the conclusion that this was a very good idea, yes. However, following Fedora is not my motivation, and in fact I believe the way they implemented the transition is completely wrong. I should perhaps have linked to Fedora's plans to give proper credit for the idea, but I'm afraid that would quickly have derailed the discussion.
IMHO we are now the next big community distro behind the commercial players and should raise our voice more often in projects that define future standards.
We certainly should be critical, and take part in discussions. From my personal experience, going through committees are not the way to do it (certainly not the FHS). However, discussing personally with the people who push the changes and write the code is very productive (which several of us are doing). Cheers, Tom