Hi everyone, A while ago I wrote to the staff mailing list about my lack of activity. Thankfully, I think I am finally now slowly getting back up to speed with life and my open source commitments. If someone wants more details, I wrote a bigger explanation on [1] (tw: mental health). To help with this, I think I should do some cleaning up of my packages, I have disowned a bunch of them. Several of them, such as the Deepin, Budgie, and D packages, had a co-maintainer, so they should be alright. The ones that didn't are listed below. I tried to list the maintainers of the dependents to make it easier to identify. Packages with dependents: pyannotate (check dependency for python-py7zr, cc Caleb) python-dill (dependency for python-pylint, cc Caleb) python-future (dependency for a bunch of Felix's packages, and more) python-multipart (dependency for python-moto, cc Chih-Hsuan) python-py (dependency for python-pytest-forked, cc Felix) python-pypng (dependency for python-qrcode, cc Felix, Levente, Caleb) python-zc.lockfile (dependency for python-cherrypy and python-pytest-services, cc Thore and David) (check/optional dependencis for python-fastapi) python-aiomysql python-aiopg python-aiosqlite (also hard dependency for python-ypy-websocket, cc Antonio) python-asyncpg (also hard dependency for nominatim, cc Justin) python-databases D ecosystem packages without dependents: adrdox d-containers d-mir-core d-stdx-allocator gir-to-d glibd mustache-d General packages without dependents: bluefish budgie-extras dbxtool (deprecated — archived on Github, and replaced by fwupd) flterm fusesoc grub-theme-vimix log4cpp netcf pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa python-biopython python-bitcoinlib python-edalize python-euclid3 python-ipyxact python-litevideo python-litedram python-liteeth python-liteiclink python-litejesd204b python-litepcie python-litesata python-litescope python-litesdcard python-litevideo python-litex python-litex-boards python-livereload python-kikit python-markdown2 python-migen python-occ-core python-okonomiyaki python-pybars3 python-pymeta3 python-pypubsub python-pyvcd python-simplesat python-solidpython python-sphinx-typlog-theme python-svgwrite python-watchgod thefuck This lists includes flatenned dependency trees, so if you adopt any of the packages listed as without dependents, please be keep in mind they might depend on other packages on the list. You might want to pick up those too. [1] https://ffy00.github.io/blog/03-state-of-things-2024-04/ Cheers, Filipe Laíns