On 3/29/07, Travis Willard <travisw@wmpub.ca> wrote:
On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 14:31:10 -0500 "Aaron Griffin" <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok, so I fixed a few mailman issues (bad img URLs, some urls having 'www.' and some without, mailman urls with and without 'www.' showing different MLs, etc) and switched this list to "anyone can subscribe" - users are moderated by default, which means they can't post to the list.
I'll keep my eye on the admin queue for now, and make sure approve all our developers as they sign up - send me an email if I didn't get to you, and I'll do it asap.
Is everything good? Would anyone mind if I announced this list to the public?
Yeah, go for it. I'm not ashamed of my ML behaviour, everyone can see what kind of a... fun guy... I am. :D
Good to go: http://archlinux.org/news/304/