Hi all, I'm orphaning the following packages as I don't use them and/or took them over from someone who is now not a team member anymore: # [extra] ddrescue easytag (can be moved to [community]) # [community] autorandr cacti flac123 flyspray gmm gpa grub-customizer libircclient libmusicxml libopenshot libopenshot-audio libquicktime marsyas minitube nfoview nomacs openshot plowshare pound smplayer-skins smtube wiiuse zopfli The above [community] packages (if possible) will be moved to the AUR if no maintainers are found until 2020-09-28. Additionally I have many packages that I'd be happy to find co-maintainers for. If packages that you are interested in co-maintaining are not in the list below (e.g. all the pro-audio stuff) just let me know - the list would have gotten too long otherwise :P # [extra] raptor rasqal redland scons # [community] hyperkitty irker mailman3 mailman3-hyperkitty postorius qtile quodlibet radicale slimit sigal solfege subdownloader tmuxp tuna waf Best, David -- https://sleepmap.de