On 07.06.2015 15:38, Anatol Pomozov wrote:
The problem with mismatched shared libraries comes from AUR and CPAN packages. Adding the template to packages in official Arch repo will not solve this problem at all.
There was also one package that was rebuilt against the wrong repo last year and if I can easily prevent this issue and also help AUR users or those that build from CPAN to detect their own problems I'd rather do that. After all I also created libdeps in makepkg...
Better way to handle the Perl major release ABI change is to provide users a script that finds all perl libraries not belonging to official packages and asks user to reinstall that packages.
I guess I could add that to my script indeed. Thanks for the idea.
It makes more sense to put /vendor_perl before /site_perl. Packages installed by pacman should have higher priority than users' package.
Nobody will expect that behaviour. I'm not going to change this (if it's even possible).
Even better if installing system packages from CPAN gets discouraged. Non-pacman system installation brings more troubles than good.