23 Oct
23 Oct
8:04 p.m.
Am Freitag 23 Oktober 2009 18:26:08 schrieb Aaron Griffin:
I actually did get a cert from cacert a while back, but it was no different than self-signing, so I believe I just went with that. Feel free to switch to cacert if you want, I got an email recently about the one I got expiring soon
Well, a verified cert is a lot better thean a self-signed; also in our case its more a nice-to-have. Did you create a wildcard certificate for archlinux.org and *.archlinux.org? Only you can create a new cert or renew the current one. (I could generate a key pair though) Maybe we can use such a cert for other things in future. (smtp, optional https, package/code signing etc.) Pierre -- Pierre Schmitz, http://users.archlinux.de/~pierre