On Sat, 2011-05-07 at 07:53 +0200, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
If someone has the need to run older kernels, those should be smooth enough to keep an older udev version. I agree with Thomas, we are bleeding egde and if users need stuff that is older than half a yea, you should be able to manage this yourself.
The problem with raising the kernel version is that glibc won't operate on older kernels at all. In some situations you don't even need udev, or you can get away with not updating udev. Not updating glibc is not an option for anyone. At this moment I have a chroot setup which runs on a debian system with 2.6.26 still (yes, I should update the kernel of that box to 2.6.32). For that, I already need the "openvz" repository with glibc packages created by Ionut. Note that as soon as you update glibc on an outdated system that does not run 2.6.32 yet, all dynamic linked binaries on your system will fail to run, meaning that all post_* scripts will fail and a clean reboot of the system is not even possible anymore. We should be aware of that before just raising the kernel version in glibc to just another version.