On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Eric Bélanger<snowmaniscool@gmail.com> wrote:
Here is a patch (only provided inline) to fix any arch support to the dbscripts. It will add any support for the sourceball script and probably fix the clean up scripts. It also set the BUILDSCRIPT as it will be no longer defined in makepkg.conf as of pacman 3.3. The patch for db-update is required as the any arch is treated as a special case (and db-update works with current /arch/config ).
also, in /arch/misc-scripts/make-sourceball change: if /usr/bin/svn export -q "$SVN_PATH/$packagename" $packagename; then to: if /usr/bin/svn export -q "$SVNREPO/$packagename" $packagename; then For some reason, the variable changed name. I just noticed in git history that the any arch was added then removed from ARCHES, not sure why