Bruno, We all seem to agree that [base] plays no satisfactory role in its current state, so I think Allan definitely has a point: let us first turn [base] into something useful, and only then wonder if we need something more. [2019-02-05 14:38:26 +0100] Bruno Pagani via arch-dev-public:
Le 05/02/2019 à 12:54, Allan McRae a écrit :
If someone knows they want to set up logical volumes and drive encryption, then they know enough to install lvm and cryptsetup. Same with jfsutils, xfsutils. So I don't think they should be in the base group (e.g. I would not call jfsutils a standard tool).
Maybe. As I said in my answer to Bartłomiej, I don’t know if beginners know enough things to install what they need beyond the minimum system, or if they just read the wiki about doing this or that, which might assume they have the current base group installed.
Then the wiki should just be updated to say: "first, install jfsutils." It's up to the wiki to document the project, not up to the project to follow the wiki's rule.
If we remove the excess from base, then we are down to a very small difference between that and archlinux-system. Only e2fsprogs, man, and an editor different?
So I see the proposed archlinux-system group being essentially what base should be.
That is because you see base as the minimal system.
So I’ll turn this differently: do you have objections against having, outside of the minimal meta-package described in our proposal, a packages group of “relatively standard” tools, that is purposed at beginner wanting to have only one simple pacstrap command to issue in order to get started?
Yes because those two things seem the same to me. Or at any rate their difference is too small to be worth the distinction. Perhaps I'm not understanding what exact roles you envision for [base] and [minimal- system]; it would help to know exactly what packages you would put in the former and not the latter. Allan suggested e2fsprogs, man, and vim. We can certainly agree that three is too few to warrant creating two distinct groups. Cheers. -- Gaetan