Hi guys, Given that the SSH host keys were changed during the AUR migration, and, due to the fact that not everyone will see this on the home page for the AUR or on aur-general, I propose the following news draft: ----> AUR migration: New SSH Host keys Due to the fact the AUR was migrated to a new server, the SSH HostKeys used to pushed packages were changed in the process. These are the new keys fingerprints: Ed25519: SHA256:RFzBCUItH9LZS0cKB5UE6ceAYhBD5C8GeOBip8Z11+4 ECDSA: SHA256:uTa/0PndEgPZTf76e1DFqXKJEXKsn7m9ivhLQtzGOCI RSA: SHA256:5s5cIyReIfNNVGRFdDbe3hdYiI5OelHGpw2rOUud3Q8 They can also be found on the AUR home page when not logged in. <---- Given this is somewhat urgent and the migration was done on Friday, I'll not wait the full 24 hours before posting this, but I'll probably post this by the end of the day, today, instead. Let me know if anyone has any objections. Regards, Giancarlo Razzolini