Am Montag, 15. Februar 2010 19:32:32 schrieb Andreas Radke:
any idea how long it takes to compress OOo main package? as far as I know it needs a lot more time than gz/bz compression. does xz make use of SMP cpus?
if not it's not an improvement and we should think about pbzip that now supports tar interaction and pipes!
SMP will be supported in the next version of xz. And yes, it takes a long time to compress openoffice. On my old PC it took 4 minutes to recompress. But package size went down from 166MB to 124MB. So, unless you can upload with more than 316 KByte/s (I hope I got that right ;-)) you are still faster. (and I know that your PC is a lot faster than mine) So even if you only take your own time into account you still win. Adding the time/traffic decrease of all mirrors and users to our calculation we will clearly win. -- Pierre Schmitz,