16 Apr
16 Apr
9:22 p.m.
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote:
Andreas Radke schrieb:
I'd like to bring the Novell "fork" of OpenOffice.org to testing and later to extra. But it's not (yet) a real fork. More a major improvement in features and lower packager maintenance. It also allows installation into /usr instead of /opt. Beside Novell/SuSE also Gentoo, Frugalware, ArkLinux and Debian use it as their main office suite.
I use OOo rarely, so I trust your judgement there. As soon as it works as well as it does now, do it.
Yeah, for the record, I used google docs when I need to view these things, but always have OOo installed. Like Thomas, I say that whatever you think is best is fine by me