Am Tue, 19 Jul 2011 11:49:22 -0500 schrieb Dan McGee <>:
Are we switching our name to Debian or Ubuntu too? This is a tad out of character, and I'm not a big fan at all. Not only does the upgrade/update fail for me, I believe I'm going to be left with a broken install as writer, calc, etc. aren't even pulled in for me even though I had them installed before.
-1, no signoff from me if I can't even do a clean update. What on earth problem are we trying to solve here? If you install an office suite, I really don't think we should be fretting over saving a couple of MB. This package already sees extremely frequent updates so bandwidth concerns far outweigh any installed size concerns.
That's not fair. LibreOffice is mainly driven by its main supporters: SuSE/Fedora/Debian/Ubuntu. And they all split the packages. We had that request many times in our tracker and in our forum. And finally we are now back "more upstream" way again.
:: Replace libreoffice with testing/libreoffice-common? [Y/n] y resolving dependencies... :: There are 103 providers available for libreoffice-langpack: :: Repository testing 1) libreoffice-af 2) libreoffice-ar 3) libreoffice-as 4) libreoffice-ast 5) libreoffice-be 6) libreoffice-bg 7) libreoffice-bn 8) libreoffice-bo 9) libreoffice-br 10) libreoffice-brx
Enter a number (default=1): 22 looking for inter-conflicts... error: unresolvable package conflicts detected error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies) :: libreoffice-common and libreoffice are in conflict (go-openoffice)
This should be solved with 3.4.2rc2-1 that has libreoffice-common providing 'libreoffice'. The upgrade path should now be smooth expect when you use some AUR extensions or unsupported langpacks. The install msg should say it clearly what packages you may want to install to get the functionality you want. I find this more Arch way than the all-in-one pkg we had so far. Upstream made this pkg splitting now usable and recommended for all distributions. There's no need to ship a single bloated pkg with en_US included that many people don't want. -Andy