extrapkg issue: [andyrtr@workstation64 icu]$ extrapkg -l 60 andyrtr@gerolde.archlinux.org's password: icu-3.8-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz 100% 6684KB 7.4KB/s 15:00 andyrtr@gerolde.archlinux.org's password: File integrity okay. ===> Uploaded /home/daten/arch64/packages/testing/icu-3.8-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz cvs commit: Examining . andyrtr@cvs.archlinux.org's password: cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `PKGBUILD' cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first! Cancelled [andyrtr@workstation64 icu]$ The speedlimit worked well. but it seems to break the -m comment for cvs commit. Beside that i have a big problem with the strict order to first upload the package and then commit/tag it. OpenOffice.org needs me 4 hours to upload. When I will not sit in front of the pc when it comes to commit/tag the server will reject me due to a timeout. Any idea if/how this can be solved? Andy