On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Dusty Phillips <buchuki@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all,
I've finished my first iteration of porting the archweb_pub and archweb_dev sites to django-1.0, along with a substantial rewrite of several portions of the code, as I mentioned in a previous status update. I'm confident the porting part has gone smoothly, but I have concerns that I overlooked testing all aspects (as there are no unit tests on this project as yet) of the code I rewrote.
As such I'm soliciting developer and community to test both sites. The more people that break it, the better I'll feel about putting it into production. ;-) I've copied the current archweb database into a playground for testing. The two sites can be accessed here:
Public Arch Linux site: http://pub.playground.archlinux.ca/
Developer Arch Linux site: http://dev.playground.archlinux.ca/
Since I copied the live database over, your developer login on the test site should be the same as it is on the live archweb_dev.
Once I'm confident the site is tested enough, I will need someone with superpowers to schedule a time to coordinate the upgrade of django (via pacman, drop the ignorepkg in pacman.conf) with merging the new branch into master and updating the live site. We should probably take the live site down for a bit -- do you think we can pull Eliott out of retirement for a bit to come up with a downtime message?
I just did a quick browse of the public site and things seemed to be working fine, or at least I didn't break it. Great work here, thanks. -Dan