Am Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:08:45 +0100 schrieb "Jan de Groot" <>:
Hi all,
Recently we have gotten bugreports about gcc not having certain features of languages because we compile our compiler languages as split packages. (FS#9325).
For objc, we already compile objc inside the gcc package, then remove it, to build it again in a package for extra. To fix gfortran, we would need to do the same...
I've been thinking about this splitup: gfortran and objc aren't that big. They could be included in the main gcc/gcc-libs PKGBUILDs. For java, we will keep the split package. Other distributions like Debian and Ubuntu also have their gcj things separated.
Merging objc doesn't bring extra dependencies, merging fortran brings in mpfr. Do we have a problem with this change?
makes sense to me. let's merge the packages that way when gcc4.2.3 comes out. -Andy