On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 19:17:21 -0500 "Aaron Griffin" <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
This is split from the "iputils and traceroute" discussion on arch-dev, moving it to the public list, and splitting things out.
The issue is that our stock /etc/services and /etc/protocols files suck.
Here's what I'd like to do - rip these files out of the iputils package and stick them in the 'filesystem' package.
We can then grab updated files from NetBSD: http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/etc/ As proposed in this bug report: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/6194
I would also like to suggest one more file be updated, but am unsure if it should be part of the filesystem package: /etc/mailcap
mailcap is actually really useful for things like firefox, which falls back to there if some of those goofy gnome services aren't running (I don't use them, so it cripples firefox here unless I use a ~/.mailcap)
There is a huge problem with this, though, and that would be the fact that we'd have to add/remove entries to it to do things successfully... however, if we don't want to do this, we could at least provide entries for all out base packages (for instance, less and tar).
Yeah, I'm interested in how other distros handle mailcap. I'm sure Debian has some sort of alternatives mailcap handling. Jason