Hey, http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_Scripts I've been pushing these repeatedly, with only meager interest shown by others. Given a little bit of documentation, I think they're almost ready for me to unleash and publicise for further testing. That said.... before I put the time into writing the docs, closing some known bugs, and publicising them more, I'd like to know what everyone thinks and get some 'approval' for them. Some sort of OK, we'll adopt and implement these given A, B and C are done. I don't know what the process is for this, nor do I think we've ever had/needed one as discussion should be fine, so bear with me. I realise that not everyone wants to install these and try them, so I'll just outline the major outward changes in order of what might cause debate. New features and improvements are listed on the wiki. - All network scripts moved from 'initscripts' to 'network', a separate package - /etc/rc.d/network retains ALL functionality that it has had previously, except it's wireless. - /etc/rc.conf network syntax remains, except it's wireless. - All wireless functionality now exists within the profiles. - /etc/network-profiles is no more, moved to /etc/network.d - profile syntax has changed, now using an ini format. See wiki for examples. - completely rewritten and cleaned up netcfg - netcfg menu support separated out from netcfg - network profiles moved from /etc/rc.d/network to /etc/rc.d/net-profiles Beyond that.... the changes are internal. Some minor cleanups and bugfixes in /etc/rc.d/network, and the rest of the changes are within netcfg and the Arch profile system. If you're interested in testing... there's details on the wiki, i've got a repo up in my public_html on archlinux.org. Feel free to put bugs on the tracker, or send via email. Patches to latest git are always welcome. Anything to say, add, suggest, please do, +1's great, +>1's better, -1's only with a good fair explanation. Thanks! James -- iphitus // Arch Developer // kernel26beyond // iphitus.loudas.com