On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Anyone want to spend some time cleaning up the syslog-ng package? Technically Aaron is the maintainer, but I have been updating it for the last few releases given he does not do much packaging lately. There are a few bugs open for it at the moment that I could blindly fix, but it would be better if someone more familiar with the package took a stab at it.
There is also a 2 year old feature request in the bugtracker to replace syslog-ng by rsyslog (currently in community repo): https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/12314 Maybe it would be better if someone interested in that stuff would read the comments and relevant informations to get a list of pros and cons. So he could start a discussion about whether we should make the switch or not. If we decide to replace syslog-ng by rsyslog, then we would kill two birds with one stone by implementing the feature request and getting rid of the syslog-ng bug reports at the same time.