On Mon, May 02, 2016 at 12:20:31PM +0200, Christian Hesse wrote:
Massimiliano Torromeo <massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com> on Fri, 2016/04/29 12:47:
I was also wondering about a pacman hook ro run "systemctl daemon-reload" after systemd units installations/upgrades. This is something that was not done even in .install files but I don't know if there was a reason why.
Others distros do this automatically, even the ones that do not have the bad habit of restarting the services for you without asking. Eg: I never had to do daemon-reload on CentOS 7.
As far as I understand it shouldn't have any unintended side effects (and I certainly never experienced one). Thoughts?
Ah, and another one to reload udev rules:
[Trigger] Operation = Install Operation = Upgrade Operation = Remove Type = File Target = usr/lib/udev/rules.d/*
[Action] Description = Reload udev rule files When = PostTransaction Exec = /usr/bin/udevadm control --reload-rules
This doesn't (or shouldn't) do anything. udev periodically polls the timestamps on all of its rules.d directories (not just /usr/lib) and re-reads rules when it discovers they've changed.
Depends = systemd -- main(a){char*c=/* Schoene Gruesse */"B?IJj;MEH" "CX:;",b;for(a/* Best regards my address: */=0;b=c[a++];) putchar(b-1/(/* Chris cc -ox -xc - && ./x */b/42*2-3)*42);}