Yo Andrzej :) I hope you are doing fine despite the circumstances! I adopted a few of your packages when you announced this in October. I'm just going to paste the current list of your packages missing a co-maintainer so people have a list. I'll probably try pick up a bunch of the python-* stuff unless people are looking for stuff to maintain. λ ~ » pkgsearch -m aginiewicz -l 1 blosc dhex dsdp languagetool mayavi python-apptools python-blosc python-bottleneck python-envisage python-et-xmlfile python-fonttools python-googleapis-common-protos python-jdcal python-joblib python-numexpr python-oauth2client python-openpyxl python-patsy python-pyface python-requests-file python-requests-ftp python-scikit-build python-scikit-learn python-seaborn python-statsmodels python-threadpoolctl python-traits python-traitsui python-unicodedata2 python-uritemplate python-xlrd python-xlsxwriter python-xlwt unionfs-fuse -- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16