On Dec 18, 2015 14:43, "Sébastien Luttringer" <seblu@archlinux.org> wrote:
I'm planning to make a new release of the filesystem package and I would
to ship the following improvement.
1) Update the nsswitch.conf to default systemd recommandation for hostname resolution. This will fix FS#46694 [1].
--- nsswitch.conf (revision 256723) +++ nsswitch.conf (working copy) @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
publickey: files
-hosts: files dns myhostname +hosts: files resolve m
I assume this is a copy paste error... Seems like you're suggesting we use resolved by default?
Note that nss-resolve will chain-load nss-dns if systemd-resolved.service is not running.
2) Merge /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin. This may require user intervention if /usr/local/sbin is not empty. So I'll post an announcement about that. I'm running my system since September with merged sbin with no problem.
Why do we care what people do with /usr/local? Nothing we change here makes our lives easier and only potentially inflicts pain on users who have split between /usr/local/bin and sbin. If we were to change this, I'd suggest we just drop /usr/local/sbin from the package. Pacman will drop tracking of the dir and there won't be any potential need for user interaction.
Is there any objections?
Bonus question, if you have opinion on FS#45196 [2], please give them inside the bug report.
[1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/46694 [2] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/45196
-- Sébastien "Seblu" Luttringer https://seblu.net | Twitter: @seblu42 GPG: 0x2072D77A