2009/2/28 Eric Bélanger <snowmaniscool@gmail.com>:
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 2:43 AM, Phil Dillon-Thiselton <dibblethewrecker@gmail.com> wrote:
I can help fix em if i am not treading on toes? Just a case of updating the pkgbuild or re-build too?
Basically, yes. I'll repost below the details I posted previously on the private ML. Right now, I'm waiting for the errors.txt to be fixed and to give time for more volunteers to show up hopefully. Then, I'm thinking about creating a list of packages to go through, splitting it in pieces and assigning the pieces.
=== 2. Rebuild the packages with missing license. Some of them have already the licence in trunk but they need to be rebuild. We should definitely use this opportunity to do a good maintenance job on them , i.e., check for FHS man pages, add the info pages (don't forget the .install file) and docs in correct location, check for upstream updates and for bug report in flyspray, etc. We could all do these long-standing minor fixes at the same time.
I'm pretty rusty so can we make this into a proper check list with pointers to wiki etc so I/others don't miss stuff? It _is_ too good an opportunity not do to a absolutely through job, so best to make sure everyone involved is checking/updating the same things and doing so correctly.
3. Check the custom-licensed packages to see if they need to be added in the whitelist. We could also check if reditribution of the binary is allowed just in case. If you rebuild a custom-licensed package, please note down the package name and whether or not we need to supply the source. Here, it's important to keep track of which packages have been checked. ===