Hi all, Is there interest in Arch participating in GSoC for 2015? To get a GSOC proposal together Arch would need 2 or more admins, some mentors, and a list of projects. See http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/projects/list/google/gsoc2014 for the variety of projects accepted in 2014. Some descriptions that caught my eye: "Short description: The objective of this proposal is to improve the quality of the packages present in Debian, by identifying possible improvements using debci." "Short description: Package elementary's Pantheon shell, GUI framework (Granite), applications, icon theme, and gtk theme." "Short description: Rebuild the Debian archive with the clang compiler." So there are a range of tasks that would be useful to Arch that could be accepted. For example, I have wanted a continuous build to check for packages that no longer build due to updates. There are also ideas over at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:TheBigIdeaPage and I guess pacman development would be useful. Some of the folks over at Arch Women have offered to help us get this off the ground. Is any one interested in helping get this going or being mentors for a project? Allan