This is a very important initiative. However it may require trusted users to provide more build slaves for package rebuilds to be done in reasonable amount of time. I can provide one for example :) Once this is proved to work reliably I'd even suggest to remove raw access for uploading packages to prevent even theoretical sloppy mistakes. On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Allan McRae <> wrote:
On 11/11/14 00:16, Florian Pritz wrote:
On 10.11.2014 12:37, Allan McRae wrote:
I think this is something we need to bring on board as an official project at some stage!
+1, I'd love to see this data get merged into our main site (especially a "not-building" table in the dev dashboard).
To Joel:
Only issue I've noticed so far is that multilib is apparently not enabled and therefore virtualbox, chromium and syslinux fail because they can't find lib32 dependencies.
What kind of hardware backs this and how long does a full rebuild of all packages take?
Apart from that, awesome idea and nice interface (maybe missing a maintainer filter, but you don't really have that data I guess).
PS: I'm sending this to arch-general so discussion can continue on one list (if you want that).
I asked the build time earlier. Here is Joel's answer:
"I have it record the build time for each package, so if I just add the average build times it gives around 6 days to build all the packages in core, extra, and community. That's for a single core build on one machine. I usually build multiple packages on each machine at once as a large portion of the time is often spent downloading sources. "