Hi guys, As of linux-3.5 almost all in-kernel modules are autoloaded on demand, so the need for manually specifying modules to load in MODULES (or otherwise) is almost gone. However, for out-of-tree modules, this might not yet be the case. For this purpose, we now have very simple mechanisms for packages to instruct initscripts (or systemd) to load (or blacklist) modules at boot. In other words, rather than package "foo" having a post-install message saying "Please add foo_module to MODULES in rc.conf and blacklist bar_module" it could simply install /usr/lib/modules-load.d/foo.conf: foo_module /usr/lib/modprobe.d/foo.conf: blacklist bar_module The reasoning being that an admin is almost certainly not going to want to install a package and then not follow the post-install instructions. Conversely, on un-install (s)he is likely to want to revert these changes. On the rare occasions the admin does not want the standard behavior, it can be overridden by writing (possibly empty) files to /etc/mod{ules-load,probe}.d/foo.conf Is this something we'd like to do? -t PS: A quick look shows that at least vhba, virtualbox and fcpci could benefit from this (though of course the benefits should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis).