Hello, I would like to drop pangox-compat. Reasons: 1. it does not compile with pango 1.44 2. the current compiled package links fine, but does not render any text when used with pango 1.44 3. upstream has archived the source and doesn't support it anymore 4. People care about 1. but not about 2. -> library only exists because software links to it So far we have only a few packages depending on it: - gtkglext (direct dependency, gdk_gl_font_use_pango_font* functions, removed in git master) - gtkmathview (direct dependency, libraries linking to it not used by abiword) - gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl (pulled in through gtkglext, no further relations) Todo: - patch gtkglext to remove API depending on pangox-compat, already packaged, not uploaded yet - drop gtkmathview parts that depend on pangox-compat (Abiword needs the libxml2 module, nothing else) - rebuild gambas3 (is in staging for ICU rebuild now) Any objections?